David Austin Roses flower arrangement

I hope you are enjoying a nice Autumn!

It is amazing what a change in seasons can do! It’s cold in the shade and warm in the sun – the definition of perfect weather! -and I can sense the renewed energy of my fellow desert dwellers!

Along with this perfect weather, came the Autumn flush of roses – they seemed to burst into bloom almost overnight!

Beginning gardeners often ask what they should start with -What are the easiest flower varieties that guarantee the highest possible success??

The most common answers I hear, and ones that I have often given myself, are Zinnias, Cosmos and perhaps Sunflowers.

David Austin Roses large flower arrangement zoomed out
Roses- Abraham Darby, Jude the Obscure, Wollerton Old Hall, Windermere, Fun in the Sun and
Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

However, I think from now on I will suggest a Rose!

Garden roses have the reputation of being difficult – even divas – but I think they are just misunderstood!

A rose can be grown in the ground or in a large pot and needs only full sun, regular deep watering and occasional feeding.

As opposed to annuals which are planted, grown, harvested and removed from the garden over the span of a short few months – Roses are an anchor in the garden or patio, only getting better year after year.

They give rhythm to the garden and reward the gardener’s minimal effort with the most beautiful, fragrant blooms several months a year!

Wollerton Old Hall Roses

While the vase life of a garden rose is markedly shorter than other cut flowers, it does not diminish their charm and only adds to the romance as the petals grace the garden ground or the table as they fall.

My favorite ‘must have’ Rose Varieties are:

Wollerton Old Hall

Jude the Obscure



(Abraham Darby is amazing, but it is VERY thorny, so it doesn’t make the best of the best list)

David Austin assorted Rose flower arrangements

If you’re not already growing roses – give it a go!

You might just be surprised how easy and rewarding they are!

Smitten with Garden Roses



Floral Arrangements

I find so much joy in tending the garden and designing with the blooms I grow - and I love to share them!
This journal is dedicated to sharing all things flower and garden. 
I hope you will be inspired to enjoy the beauty all around you every day!

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