Backyard POsy co.

Beautiful, Fresh, Seasonal
floral arrangements inspired by the garden
 for your home, business and events. 


They are fitting for every occasion - and no occasion at all! 
They make us feel grateful, happy, consoled and appreciated.  
As our busy lives get busier - seasonal, beautiful, naturally grown flowers provide a welcoming haven from the busyness of the world!

Whatever the occasion, stopping to smell the roses will bring a smile to your face and add a pep to your step! 

Fresh flowers are transformative...


I'm proud to be a 3rd generation native of Arizona, Roses and flowers of every sort were beautiful background music all through my childhood. I watched from a distance and occasionally lent a hand in the garden at the side of my mom and grandmother - both smitten with all things blooming. If nothing else, it was engrained in me that a house is not a home until there are flowers (and (especially roses) planted in the yard- .. somewhere... anywhere!

Amy Baska

About the grower-designer



 of your arrangements brought so much cheer to our team"

The elegant whimsy...

Fresh,Seasonal flowers in the home and garden lift the spirit!  

Fresh flowers are good for the soul. 

You'll receive my weekly journal with tips and inspiration from the garden and studio!

join the flower filled world of
Backyard Posy!

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